A Natural Way to Your Health.
In acupuncture health care center, we specialize in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We offer Acupuncture, Chinese herb medicine, Acupressure, Tui-Na Therapy, Moxia and many services for Pain management, InfertilityIVF/ IUI Support,Anxiety, DepressionStress, asthma, Cancer problems, MS, Fatigue,Facial Rejuvenation,Acne, Quit Smoke and Weight Loss.
To provide good quality, personalized treatment to all of our patients.
To restore your health as quickly as possible.
To increase your quality life by getting you well and help you steady health in natural way.
Letter from Lucky Patient
I have been diagnosis for spinal problem last in August frame. I couldn’t walk, seat, or sleep without heavily pain. I had not sleep in 90 days in rows. I took twice MRI, seen two of best field doctors. I almost gave up. I did whatever I could find to do. This year January time frame. Came to my mind how about East Medicine Technology. Therefore I went to internet, and found Dr. Lina Zhao, make story short. She thread me with Acupuncture in three weeks and gave me Chinese herb. I walked, pain disappeared , and my health was back. I start to work again. I will thank Dr. Lina and God! —July 12, 2007
Thank you, so much for rehabilitating my knees with acupuncture. before I came to you for treatment and after being seen and treated unsuccessfully by many western style doctors, I still could hardly walk up and down stairs. I relied on the stair banister and even than mobilizing was miracle like the way my knees rehabilitated. I highly recommend patients to see you with their medical problems. —Dave Blackstone
1. My husband I tried to have a child for many years. But it wasn’t .successful. I started going to fertility specialist who suggested acupuncture as a means of assisting the medical treatments. I had found Dr. Zhao. After four months treatments I felt that my conditions of the body were improved a lot. Also I know Dr. Zhao. She is impresses me as a very grounded, calm, individual, and her care, treatments are always thoughtful, effect and kind. I think the combined Eastern and Western approaches are the reason that I had my fist a child , a lovely daughter! —Katrina
2. I was 38 years old. I tried to conceive for one year. and nothing happened. Then I have gone through IVF attempts -2 full fresh cycles and still had no success. For my third cycle I started to go for acupuncture treatment from Dr. Zhao , once to twice a week. I became pregnant with twins. Unfortunately it end in miscarriage. After that time I went back to acupuncture treatment again. Now I have lovely and beautiful daughter. My husband and I are very thankful to Dr. Zhao. My session with her were always very enjoyable. It’s always so relaxing in her office. I often fell asleep during my sessions of acupuncture which is much needed during IVF and pregnant.
3. When I was pregnant four weeks, I had a miscarriage. Then I decided to get acupuncture treatment. The day I first met with Dr. Zhao, she listened to my case history, took my pulse , examined my tongue and made treatment plan for me . once a week for two months. Now my son is a healthy baby.. I cannot thank Dr. Zhao enough her very good work. without a doubt, she is a good and most caring doctor.
Thank you for treating me for my serious allergy. I suffered from allergy for many years. Running nose, watery eyes and fever came at each year in May. I tried many treatments with no results. After your acupuncture treatment I feel live a new man. I no longer suffer. Thanks again —Andrew B
I have had fibromyalgia for the past 7 years when my body becomes in flamed with Inflammation, I find that acupuncture is the only relief that works for me. I love that It’s natural no side effects. I am new to New York city and I thank my lucky starts that I found Dr. Lina Zhao. She understands where the pains are and her treatments release me of this stressful pain a lot. —Ellen Rapopod
Dr. Lina Zhao has provided great relief to my sleeping issues. For over seven years, I have not been sleeping or sleeping well. Having Dr. Lina apply acupuncture methods has finally given me a full night’s rest. She is a miracle! Patient and knowledgeable, she practices her craft like art. I strongly recommend Dr. Lina Zhao. — Gail Green
I go to Dr. Lina for feet reflexology as part of my MS treatment twice a month. It really makes a difference the sensitivity of the feet improves, numbness disappears. I feel it is easier to walk. Even fatigue gets better. especially my bowel movement became normal and urination much better. Before I had diarrhea every morning . It was two or three times with water. My urination was frequency and enuresis. I couldn’t stay without diaper. Usually I used diaper about 10 piece a day, it was so bad. After the reflexology treatment gnificantly improved my general condition and my life’s quality. —Elena