Acupuncture is an ancient medical healing art which has been used for over 2,500 years in china. It is based on belief that health is determined by a balanced flow of Qi,the vital life energy present in all living organisms. Thisenergy is said to circulate throughout the body along spe-cific pathways(meridians).Health is maintained, but oncethe energy pathways are blocked, pain and illness occur as the result of a disrupted free flow of Qi.Through acupuncture, body, mind, spirit balance can be res-tored with the insertion of hair thin sterile disposable needlesat specific points on energy meridians on the body throughwhich Qi flows, accessing Qi to stimulate the person’s ownself-healing ability. | |
Acupuncture FAQ What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient art of holistic healing, which considers that illness is the result of an imbalance of the body’s natural energy. The aim of the treatment is to rebalance the body’s energy, restoring health and well-being Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institutes of Health ( NIH) and the World Health Organization(WHO) to be effective in promoting many systems illness. How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture works with the natural vital force/energy (Qi) inherent within all living things to promote the body’s ability to heal itself. According to the theory of Chinese Medicine , “Qi” circulates through pathways called meridians (or channels). Each meridian is associated with specific organs and glands. Like rivers that transport life- giving water to nourish the land, plants and people. Meridians transport vital Qi to nourish and energize every cell, organ, gland, tissue and muscle. Is Acupuncture safe? Acupuncture is extremely safe, Ying Natural Health Care Center uses single-use sterilized disposable needles so there is virtually no risk of contamination. Does it hurt? Because the needles are not much thicker than a hair, treatments are generally painless. After the needle is inserted, you many experience a vague numbness, heaviness and Tingling. Sometimes people notice a sensation of energy spreading around the needle. |
Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the major branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The vast amount of Chinese herbal knowledge available today has accumulated in writing for thousands of years. The herbal formulas are prepared mostly from plant leaves, stalks, roots, flowers, seeds or vegetables. These herbs are classified according to their function, categories and can be used alone( single) or combined with other (formula) in order to enhance their actions and effect. Formulas can be prescribed for a unique individual in different way such as : raw herbs which are boiled into tea, powders, liquid extracts, pills and capsules. Herbal medicine can be used together with acupuncture to expedite the healing process, strengthen, support or notify the body without side effects. | |
This kind of medicine has been used extensively in almost every hospital for all kinds of diseases, and has played a major role in traditional medicine healthcare in China and other Asian countries. We make up customized classical herbal formulas to suit your body condition. These herbal formulas have been commonly used in China thousands of years, including formulas for allergies, sinusitis, asthma, menstrual disorders, menopause, fibroids, infertility, headache, Meier’s disease, osteoarthritis, Candida, eczema, psoriasis, digestive disorders, weight control. fatigue, anxiety, hypertension, etc. |
Acupressure (a blend of “acupuncture” and “pressure”) is a complementary medicine technique derived from acupuncture. In acupressure physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points by the hand, elbow, or with various devices.
Traditional Chinese medicine’s (TCM) acupuncture theory predates use of the scientific method, and has received various criticisms based on scientific thinking. The anatomical or histological basis of acupuncture points or meridians, if they actually exist, is unknown. Acupuncturists tend to perceive TCM concepts in functional rather than structural terms, i.e. as being useful in guiding evaluation and care of patients. Neuroimaging research suggests that certain acupuncture points have distinct effects that are not otherwise predictable anatomically.
Tui na is a hands-on body treatment that uses Chinese taoist and martial art principles to bring the body to balance. The principles being balanced are the eight principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (qv because TCM was codified by the PRC out of many ancient traditions.) The practitioner may brush, knead, roll/press and rub the areas between each of the joints (known as the eight gates) to open the body’s defensive (wei) chi and get the energy moving in both the meridians and the muscles. The practitioner can then use range of motion, traction, massage, with the stimulation of acupressure points and to treat both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as many non-musculoskeletal conditions. Tui na is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is taught in TCM schools as part of formal training in Oriental medicine. | |
Moxibustion is another ancient therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine that isparticularly effective in the treatment of arthritis, asthma, and fatigue. Moxibustionhas the function of warming and clearing the meridians and tonifying the body’s energy.It strengthens the patient’s immune and circulatory system. Moxa, the dried leaves ofthe common mugwort (artemesia vulgaris) plant, is placed in small balls on the end of acupuncture needles or it can be made into small cones and burnt on herbal cake or ginger over the skin. It provides gentle heat and increases the toning effective of the treatment. It is highly effective to build up a patient’s energy reserves and improve sexual function.
Cupping is a method of treating disease by causing local congestion. A partial vacuum is created in jars, usually by means of heat, which are then applied to the skin, drawing up the underlying tissues and forming blood stasis. It is used to treat pain conditions, common cold, muscle tension, cough, etc. It can be combined with acupuncture.
Reflexology is complementary, holistic therapy in which specific pressure is applied to your feet (or hands) to assist your body to return to equilibrium and heal itself. Illness, stress, injury or disease can leave your body in a state of imbalance, causing inefficientfunctioning. Reflexology can restore and maintain your body’s natural balance and encourage healing. During Reflexology practitioner will use their hands to apply pressure to specific areas of your feet, tailoring the treatment to your specific needs and problems. We will be able todetect tiny deposits and imbalances in the feet and will work on these areas to release blockages and improve elimination. During a treatment, We will work over the entire foot, thereby covering every area of your body, so not only will your specific symptoms be relieved, but also as the treatment is holistic, it will bring your whole body back into balance, Tension will be eased and elimination improved.
This treatment method use Electro Medicine Imaging machine for diagnosis. It is a powerful and effective, evaluation, and treatment tool designed to assess the functionof the organ systems and the acupuncture meridian systems of the body. We can knowmore clearly, accurately and efficiently diagnose imbalances in organ and meridian function and perform treatment to bring the body into balance and healing then ever before. The wonderful thing about testing with the with the EIM Machine is that we get to seeGraphic image on the computer screen or a print out of the strength of each of 12 meridians and the state of balance bilaterally. This leads to very simple acupuncture treatments that restore the proper strength of Qi and the proper balance between left and right half of each of the 12 meridians. This is something that cannot be done without this equipment. We can measure your progress over time with the EMI graphs show the improvement in your health condition.