Facial rejuvenation acupuncture sometimes referred to as “acupuncture facelift” is a wonderful timeless beauty technique used by Chinese since the Sung Dynasty (960-1279AD). In Chinese, it is called “Me Rong Zhen”. Today, it is an effective non-surgical yet painless way to lessen the appearance of fine lines as well as deeper wrinkles. According to Chinese medicine, it improves circulation of Qi and blood and stimulates the body’s natural anti-aging powers

How does it work?
Hair-thin needles are gently inserted into specific points on the face to facilitate the movement of Qi and blood. This in turn nourishes, re-hydrates, tones and reduces the appearance of facial wrinkles. Additionally, specialized frequency-specific electrically stimulated needles improve skin elasticity as well as the tone of the facial muscles. .

Natural Chinese herbal creams are applied in a soothing herbal facial mask. In advanced facial acupuncture, synergistic points are used on the arms, legs and body to further strengthen the body’s energy, thereby enhancing beauty from the inside out. With this complete holistic treatment, we can achieve a balance between improving exterior facial beauty and strengthening the internal energies that influence beauty.

Treatments improve muscle tone and dermal contraction, increase collagen production, tightens pores, and increases local circulation of blood and lymph around the face. It can be used to reduce a double chin and sagging jowls.

Profile of female acupuncture patient receiving facial acupuncture treatment